Members of the American Bar Association

Real Paralegals and Legal Professionals

Terminated Members

Kasha Johnson

Terminated September 18, 2023: Calling on a Sabbath Day, Failed to Complete Terms and Conditions Agreement, Made multiple phone calls to the association for services, Multiple occasions of disrespect to Staff and Trustee

Horace Smith

Terminated February 26, 2024:  Failing to Renew Membership under New Fee Schedule, Asked for a Refund from Paypal telling them that we offered refunds for prior months without Arbitration or Mediation, Called with a Disrespectful tone after being informed of our investigation, Called from “Blocked Numbers” on multiple occasions violating the Terms and Conditions.

Paypal ruled in our favor for 4 transactions

Tarita Jones

August 12, 2024: Called about Monthly Membership Charges and argued that Mr Milhouse said there will be no more payments during training. Ms Jones was not available for training schedule, so the Membership Fee will continue until she makes the training classes. She argued more on the charge and then sent a text message as if we were “Stealing money from a Closed Account” and “We must have hacked her email address to make the charges go through.” This is a very immature and childish way to conduct yourself in this PMA. We gave a REFUND and Terminated her Membership, Effective Immediately.

Jeanete Williams

August 13, 2024; Allowed Ms Tarita Jones, her daughter, to Call about Monthly Membership Charges and argued that Mr Milhouse said there will be no more payments during training. Ms Jones was not available for training schedule, so the Membership Fee will continue until she makes the training classes. She argued more on the charge and then sent a text message as if we were “Stealing money from a Closed Account” and “We must have hacked her email address to make the charges go through.” This is a very immature and childish way to conduct yourself in this PMA. We gave a REFUND and Terminated her Membership, Effective Immediately.

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